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It’s About Time We Need To Take Climate Change Seriously And These Photos Will Show You Why

Global warming and climate change are very important problems we are facing in today’s world. 

These Photos Of The Stunning Northern Lights Captured By The Winners Of A Contest Will Amaze You

Nature never ceases to amaze us, and especially during these trying times when everything seems kind of depressing and boring, it’s always nice to look at some fascinating things. The photographers on our list managed to capture one of the most mind-blowing things nature has given to us-aurora borealis. This stunning phenomenon occurs in high-latitude places due to the disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by the solar wind. Aurora borealis is very colorful, gorgeous, and to be honest, it seems like something magical. There are a lot of people that are dying to see it in real life; unfortunately, no one knows when we will be able to travel again, so let’s just check out the winners of the contest organized by Capture the Atlas from the safety of our homes. In the gallery below, you are going to find the 15 of the best photos participated in the contest, so just sit back and enjoy!

Woman Leaves Back Door Open During Storm, Comes Across A Big Surprise In Her Living Room

Some people think deer can be annoying since they have no natural predators so their population is constantly on the rise. In some areas, they can totally break in and wreck people’s gardens since they are so overpopulated.

A Mexican Company Thinks Of A Wise Idea To Use Avocado Seeds To Make Biodegradable Disposable Cutlery

Human being cause serious damage and impact on earth and nature, the worst example is the usage of plastic. This environmental enemy is used in every field from bottles of water, straws to plastic bags and disposable cutlery which results in pollution in seas, oceans and soil of earth we live in. A change in the linear economy into a circular one is vital to reduce usage of plastic waste in every-day life. Finally, there are some firms making moves.

This Photographer Took Photos Of A Tiny Bird That Uses A Flower Petal As Her Bathtub And You’re Absolutely Going To Love Them

Inflatable Ocean Pools

Almost everyone loves to swim, especially in the scorching heat of summer days; we all want to throw ourselves into the water, and if you prefer the sea because you don't like the chlorine of the pool, you are in the right place. 

Most Beautiful Pigeons In The World

Pigeons are beautiful birds but the ones in the photos below may be the most beautiful ones with their different color patterns…

This Wildlife Photographer Raises Awareness For Lion Conservation And You’re Going To Love The Gorgeous Portraits He Has Taken

This Los Angeles-based wildlife photographer named Simon Needham takes mind-blowing portraits of a wide variety of animals to raise awareness of endangered species and encourage conservation efforts.

The Adorable Friendship Between This Abandoned Baby Elephant And Ostrich Will Make You Cry

This Cute Husky Was Found Thanks To A Neighbor’s Trail Camera

This husky named Koda managed to run away from her mother’s side this past December and Rachel was really having a hard time finding her. 

In A Single Day, Colombian Soils Have Been Crowned with 200.000 Trees

Colombians aimed to plant about 180 million trees to their lands for reforestation. Their plan will be extended over a four-year period. They started with a small amount such as 200.000 that they planted in 24 hours, which does not sound that small.

For the Purpose of Saving the World, Morgan Freeman Made a Bee Sanctuary out of His Own Ranch

According to farmers and scientists, the bee population in the world has been decreasing dramatically. Especially for the US, since 1962, working bee colonies has decreased 90% per hectar. There are several reasons behind this: pesticides, changing in climate and decline in natural habitats. Some heroes can’t be an onlooker and stay silent. Morgan Freeman is one of heroes that fight for bees. We as weirdlake.com really admire what he did.